Author: Coen Slabber


Droom jy?

  To have insight into God’s plan for the world — that is faith. — Emil Brunner   Droom jy? Mense wat drome het, kan vlieg. As jy ophou droom, begin jy doodgaan. As jy jou drome najaag, begin jy jou...

Wat is ‘n Christen?

  We search for God in order to find him with greater joy And we find him in order to keep on searching with greater love Augustinus   Wat is ‘n Christen? Dit is die vraag wat Scot McKnight in...

Verkiesing: Lesse uit Judas se verraad

  A Christian is a walking sermon. We preach far more than a minister does, for we preach all week long. —J.C. Ryle   Verkiesing: Lesse uit Judas se verraad Van Kain se tyd staan die bose net buite die deur en...

Psalm 23 (1)

  There is no forgiveness of sins without a truly repentant heart to which sin is sincerely painful and which renounces it with all its power.  – Emil Brunner   Psalm 23 (1) [Ek gaan dwarsdeur van die Nuwe Testament...
