Author: Coen Slabber



  “Working hard for something we don’t care about is called stress; working hard for something we love is called passion.” -Simon Sinek   Obed-Edom In die Bybel lees ons van ‘n verskeidenheid mense wie se lewe God se mense...

Psalm 10 (1)

  “Prayer without study would be empty. Study without prayer would be blind.” Karl Barth   Psalm 10 (1) [Ek gaan dwarsdeur van die Nuwe Testament en Psalms. ‘n Direkte Vertaling van die Bybelgenootskap van Suid-Afrika (2014) gebruik maak.] Hierdie is...


  “When we are at our wits end for an answer then the Holy Spirit can give us an answer. But how can he give us an answer when we are still well supplied with all sorts of answers of...


  “In the church of Jesus Christ there can and should be no non-theologians.” Karl Barth   Emosies Sommige dae wens ons ons kan sonder emoses klaarkom. Ons word opgewonde oor ‘n nuwe idee en word ontmoedig as niemand anders dink...
