In the fulness of time, God’s two creations, his whole universe and his whole church, will be unified under the cosmic Christs who is the supreme head of both (John Stott). Bybelstudie Baie van ons sukkel maar met Bybelstudie....
In the fulness of time, God’s two creations, his whole universe and his whole church, will be unified under the cosmic Christs who is the supreme head of both (John Stott). Bybelstudie Baie van ons sukkel maar met Bybelstudie....
Pray often, for prayer is a shield to the soul, a sacrifice to God, and a scourge to Satan. —John Bunyan Die plaaslike gemeente In Efesiërs 2 praat Paulus van die nuwe mensheid. Hy gebruik drie beelde om hierdie...
What is the greatest need in the Church today? … The one thing we need in Western Christendom is a deeper knowledge of God. We need to know God better (D. A. Carson). Die groot opdrag: vermenigvuldiging of...
Saying you ‘understand the Bible’ unaided is like saying you’ve taken out your own appendix. Jim West God se bemarkingstrategie En hulle twee (Paulus en Barnabas) het ‘n hele jaar lank saam in die gemeente gewerk en baie mense...