Author: Coen Slabber


Die ballingskap en terugkeer

  The parent who tries to train without setting a good example is building with one hand, and pulling down with the other. —J.C. Ryle   Die ballingskap en terugkeer Hierdie is deel van Mel Lawrenz se reek How to Understand...

God is heilig

  Had any other condition been better for you than the one you are in, Divine Love would have put you there. —C.H. Spurgeon   God is heilig As ons van God se heiligheid praat assosieer ons dit feitlik altyd met...

Betrokke by die kultuur

  A loving God who has no wrath is no God. He is an idol of our own making as much as if we carved Him out of stone. —R.C. Sproul   Betrokke by die kultuur Kultuur is nie een ding...
