If there is one thing which pierces the Master’s heart with grief it is not the world’d iniquity but the Church’s indifference – John Owen Evangelisasie Die woord laat ons dink aan ‘n tydperk wat verby is –...
If there is one thing which pierces the Master’s heart with grief it is not the world’d iniquity but the Church’s indifference – John Owen Evangelisasie Die woord laat ons dink aan ‘n tydperk wat verby is –...
When everything’s said and done, there’s usually more said than done – Roger Dean Duncan Die kompetisie vir die gemeente Ons kry dikwels gemeentes was voel dat hulle met ander gemeentes vir lidmate moet kompeteer. Soms kry ons...
Why have three persons when it confuses so much. Why couldn’t God just be God – Nicky Cruz oor die Drie-eenheid Bybelverse wat gereeld verkeerd gebruik word As ons ons Bybels oopmaak, lees ons woorde wat duisende jare...
How far can salvation go? What are its limits and boundaries? Christ is our Saviour. How far is he able to save – Charles Spurgeon Ek lees nie al die boeke van die Bybel nie Ons verkies sekere...