Author: Coen Slabber


Ons aanbid saam

“The gospel at its best deals with the whole man, not only his soul but his body, not only his spiritual well-being, but his material well being as well.” Martin Luther King, Jr   Ons aanbid saam Gebed is ‘n...


  There is a God we want and a God who is, and the two are not the same. —Ligon Duncan   Eensgesindheid Hoe goed, hoe mooi is dit as broers eengesind saam woon! Dit is soos reukolie wat van die...

Hoe moet ons die wet verstaan?

  Who overcomes by force hath overcome but half his foe. -John Milton, digter (1608-1674)   Hoe moet ons die wet verstaan? Mel Lawrenz is besig met ‘n reeks oor hoe om die Bybel te verstaan. In hierdie gedeelte kyk...


  I don’t preach a social gospel; I preach the Gospel, period. The Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ is concerned for the whole person. When people were hungry, Jesus didn’t say, “Now is that political or social?” He said, “I...
