Lewe na 50 jaar ouderdom
The whole life of man until he is converted to Christ is a ruinous labyrinth of wanderings. —Johannes Calvyn Lewe na 50 jaar ouderdom Almal is bang vir oud word – wat gaan ek doen; hoe gaan ek my...
The whole life of man until he is converted to Christ is a ruinous labyrinth of wanderings. —Johannes Calvyn Lewe na 50 jaar ouderdom Almal is bang vir oud word – wat gaan ek doen; hoe gaan ek my...
I believe in Christianity as I believe that the sun has risen: not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else – C. S. Lewis Mites wat Christene oor depressie glo Daar is...
The world is filled with God’s glory. You can’t turn without bumping into it. —R.C. Sproul Die kerk en die teater ‘n Direkteur van ‘n teater sê dat die kerk meer soos die teater moet word. In die teater...
We entertain ourselves to death, and so become estranged from ourselves. – Soren Kierkegaard Ignoreer ons ons erfenis? In 1 Korintiërs 3:18 – 21a kyk Paulus terug. Hy kyk weer na die kontras tussen die wysheid van God en...