Author: Coen Slabber


My identiteit (1)

  Most of us go through life worrying people will think too little of us. Paul worried people would think too much of him. —D.A. Carson   My identiteit (1) Ek gaan ‘n aantal blogs aan Tim Keller se nuwe boek Making...

Die skaapwagters

  A proud man is always looking down on things and people, and, of course, as long as you’re looking down, you can’t see something that’s above you – C. S. Lewis   Die skaapwagters As jy vandag na Kersfees...

Dag 9: Hoeveel het Jesus ons lief?

    Dag 9: Hoeveel het Jesus ons lief? Die Billy Graham Center for Evangelism het ‘n aantal leraars gekry om vir 25-dae stukkies te skryf vir Advent. Ons gaan oor die volgende 25 dae elke dag een van hierdie...

Psalm 31 (7)

  To follow means to follow, not to lead. To point not to our own superior moral character but to the dimly seen figure out there that we are stumbling after – Frederick Buechner   Psalm 31 (7) [Ek gaan...
