Die teenwoordigheid van mense
In proportion as it is a solemn work to preach it is a solemn work to hear. – Charles Spurgeon Die teenwoordigheid van mense Brother Lawrence het ‘n klassieke boek, The Practice of the Presence of God, geskryf....
In proportion as it is a solemn work to preach it is a solemn work to hear. – Charles Spurgeon Die teenwoordigheid van mense Brother Lawrence het ‘n klassieke boek, The Practice of the Presence of God, geskryf....
Since when do we have to agree with people to defend them from injustice? -Lillian Hellman, Psalm 28 (1) [Ek gaan dwarsdeur van die Nuwe Testament en Psalms. ‘n Direkte Vertaling van die Bybelgenootskap van Suid-Afrika (2014) gebruik maak.]...
To love someone is to show them their beauty, their worth, and their importance –Jean Vanier Wie kan teen ons wees? God is vir ons, wie kan dan teen ons wees? (Romeine 8:31) ‘n Mens kry die indruk...
Gloom we have always with us, a rank and sturdy weed, but joy requires tending – Barabara Holland Wetenskap en godsdiens. Is dit hoe dit moet wees? Die soeke na waarheid lyk nie altyd diesefde nie. Die wetenskap...