Then, too, it was our intention and our hope, when we began to put the Bible into German, that there would be less writing and more studying and reading of the Scriptures – Martin Luther Vertoue ‘n Kragtige...
Then, too, it was our intention and our hope, when we began to put the Bible into German, that there would be less writing and more studying and reading of the Scriptures – Martin Luther Vertoue ‘n Kragtige...
Nothing that has not died will be resurrected – C. S. Lewis. Psalm 27 (4) [Ek gaan dwarsdeur van die Nuwe Testament en Psalms. ‘n Direkte Vertaling van die Bybelgenootskap van Suid-Afrika (2014) gebruik maak.] Ek gaan ‘n...
Do not look for trials and assume extreme penances but learn to accept the myrrh of suffering sent by God, for when accepted lovingly, these bring joy – Johannes Tauler Aanneming Teologies is aanneming die optrede van God...
One flower never makes a spring – Chinese spreekwoord. ‘n Disputasie [Disputasie = debat, redestryd – HAT] “’n Disputasie oor die krag en doeltreffendheid van die aflaatstelsel.” Hierdie is die volle titel van wat algemeen as Martin Luther...