Die kerk vandag (13)
Too many are willing to sit at God’s table, but not work in his field. —Vance Havner Die kerk vandag (13) Daar het onlangs ‘n goeie boek van Jared C. Wilson – The Prodigal Church – verskyn. [Prodigal =...
Too many are willing to sit at God’s table, but not work in his field. —Vance Havner Die kerk vandag (13) Daar het onlangs ‘n goeie boek van Jared C. Wilson – The Prodigal Church – verskyn. [Prodigal =...
Till we serve God we are idlers. However busy we may be we do nothing till we live for God. – Spurgeon Hoe moet Christene reageer as hulle geteiken word? “As jy ‘n Christen is, gaan jy God...
The blood of Christ was not shed for the devil or the angels; it was shed for sinners – Martin Luther. Hoekom laat God die bose toe? As God so groot en goed is, hoekom laat Hy toe...
Prayer advertises that we are dependent and He is dependable. —Mark Dever Hoekom ontstel God se heiligheid vir ons? S. Lewis het gesê dat mense praat van “vir God ontmoet” asof dit ‘n warm, gemoedelike ondervinding sal wees. They...