Category: Coen Slabber se Blog


Hoe kan die kerk nominale Christene bereik?

  The gospel is not made more powerful by a dynamic preacher or a rockin’ band; the gospel cannot be improved. —Jared Wilson   Hoe kan die kerk nominale Christene bereik? Of ons nou ongelowiges, soekers, nominale Christene of wie ook...

Die kerk vandag (8)

  Cold prayers are as arrows without heads, as swords without edges, as birds without wings. They pierce not, they cut not, they fly not up to heaven. Cold prayers always freeze before they reach heaven. – Thomas Brooks  ...

Moenie in jou denke vasgevang word nie

  Hell will be filled with people who were avidly committed to Christian values. —Al Mohler   Moenie in jou denke vasgevang word nie Julle moenie aan hierdie sondige wêreld gelyk word nie, maar laat God julle verander deur julle denke...

Hoe word ek ‘n Christen?

  Ill thoughts are as little thieves, which, creeping in at the window, open the door to greater thieves – Richard Sibbes   Hoe word ek ‘n Christen? Jesus het vir Nikodemus gesê dat hy slegs die koninkryk van God...
