Category: Coen Slabber se Blog


Hoekom is daar ‘n hel?

  Things have come to a pretty pass when religion is allowed to invade the private life – Lord Melbourne, Britse eerste minister in die 1830’s   Hoekom is daar ‘n hel? Sommige mense wil nie net vir God wegkruip...

Die fases van geloof

  A church without the broken is a broken church. —Ed Stetzer   Die fases van geloof Volgens Rick Warren gebruik God ‘n baie voorspelbare proses om jou karakter te bou, Die proses bestaan uit ses fases. As jy nie die...

Dawid se wapenrusting

  There is no such thing as a great man of God, only weak, pitiful, faithless men of a great and merciful God. —Paul Washer   Dawid se wapenrusting En Dawid het Saul se swaard bo-oor sy uitrusting vasgegord. Maar hy...

Die konteks van apologetiek

  The purpose of the home is to be a place of refuge, grace, and productivity—not a platform for me to prove what a great homemaker I am. — Courtney Reissig   Die konteks van apologetiek Kom ons kyk nader na...
