Category: Coen Slabber se Blog
In terms of Christian theology, the gospel is the glue between doctrine, experience, mission, and practice – Michael Bird ‘n Model om twyfel te hanteer In Johannes 20 lees ons hoe Jesus ‘n twyfelaar – Tomas – benader....
The gospel is where God meets us and where we introduce the world to God – Michael Bird Wat is die waarheid? Die siening van ons hededaagse kultuur is dat daar geen absolute waarheid of werklikheid is nie....
If your heart is the same as my heart, you can hold my hand – John Wesley Ek moet ander van Jesus Christus vertel To be simple, humble, and thoughtful as we listen to others and help them...
He who chooses the beginning of a road chooses the place it leads to. It is the means that determines the end – Harry Emerson Fosdick Rampe Rampe gebeur en daar is niks wat ons as mense kan...