Category: Coen Slabber se Blog


Die huisgesin van God

  Love is counting someone else’s needs and interests as more important than your own needs or interests or comfort. —Tim Keller   Die huisgesin van God As ‘n geloofsgemeenskap moet die kinders van God mekaar met liefde en respek hanteer...

Ek wil ander bemoedig

  It is not the doctrine of justification that does my heart good, it is Christ, the justifier. —C.H. Spurgeon   Ek wil ander bemoedig Watter soort mens wil God hê dat ons moet wees? Ons talente, persoonlikhede, vermoëns en agtergrond...

Geluk en geld

  A lie can travel half way around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes – Mark Twain   Geluk en geld Die Dalai Lama moes ‘n lang reis per motor onderneem. ‘n Ryk familie het hom...

‘n Goeie dissipel

  Christ is the only way to God, but there are as many ways to Christ as there are people who come to Him. —Os Guinness   ‘n Goeie dissipel As iemand agter my aan wil kom, moet hy homself verloën, sy...
