Waarvoor staan ek?
“Failure isn’t a character quality. It’s just an event. How you respond to failure is your character.” – Rick Warren via Twitter Waarvoor staan ek? ‘n Mens kry die indruk dat vandag se Christene beter bekend is vir die...
“Failure isn’t a character quality. It’s just an event. How you respond to failure is your character.” – Rick Warren via Twitter Waarvoor staan ek? ‘n Mens kry die indruk dat vandag se Christene beter bekend is vir die...
Present-day Christendom really lives as if the situation were as follows: Christ is the great hero and benefactor who has once and for all secured salvation for us; now we must merely be happy and delighted with the innocent...
The whole life of a Christian should be nothing but praises and thanks to God; we should neither eat nor sleep, but eat to God and sleep to God and work to God and talk to God, do all...
The cross of Christ is in itself an offence to the world; let us take heed that we add no offence of our own. —C.H. Spurgeon As ek weet wie ek is, sal ek ‘n beter Christen wees Om...