Category: Coen Slabber se Blog
“Our preaching is not the reason the Word works. The Word is the reason our preaching works.” H. B. Charles, jr Die belang van leef in geloof vir toekomstige genade John Piper skryf hieroor en gebruik veral 2...
Prayer is not overcoming God’s reluctance, but laying hold of His willingness. —Martin Luther Ek hardloop die geestelike maraton Psalm 71 is ‘n interessante psalm. Die opskrif is: “Nou dat ek oud geword het.” Want U, Here, U is...
I have often repented of speech but hardly ever of silence. —C.S. Lewis ‘n Lewe van liefde in ‘n wêreld van gebroke verhoudings Paul E. Miller het ‘n kort boekie – A Loving Life in a World of Broken Relationships...
Don’t excuse yourself by accusing Satan. —Thomas Brooks ‘n Gewone lewe Is ‘n buitengewone lewe die norm? Waarvoor ons geroep is om elke dag op ‘n spesifieke plek te doen, is beloning genoeg. Maar gewoon is nou nie ‘n...