Category: Coen Slabber se Blog
“People need to be reminded more than they need to be instructed.” Samuel Johnson Het Jesus bloed gesweet in die tuin van Getsemane? ‘n Leser vra vir Lee Strobel of Jesus werklik bloed gesweet het toe Hy in...
Don’t allow the Internet to become your congregation. YouTube is a horrible place to go to church. —Albert Mohler Ek is geïrriteerd ‘n Sagte antwoord laat woede bedaar; ‘n krenkende woord laat woede ontvlam (Spreuke 15:1). As ek geïrriteerd...
The role of a pastor is not to grow a big church. The pastor’s role is to grow mature disciples who make disciples. — Rick Howerton Moet mense volgelinge van Jesus Christus wees? ‘n Leser vra vir Lee Strobel:...
Peace is the smile of God reflected in the soul of the believer. —William Hendricksen Die baie godsdienste ‘n Leser vra vir Lee Strobel, bekende skrywer: “Ðaar is so baie godsdienste – hoe kan ons seker wees dat die Christelike...