www.bybelkennis.co.za Blog

Is hierdie werklik die boeke waarna ons moet kyk?

  A society which discards those who are weak and non-productive risks exaggerating the development of reason, organisation, aggression and the desire to dominate. It becomes a society without a heart, without kindness – a rational and sad society, lacking...


  A sheep in the midst of wolves is safe compared with a Christian in the midst of ungodly men. —C.H. Spurgeon   Geestesgesondheid Baie van ons is baie simpatiek as iemand fisies ongesteld is. Ons is egter onseker hoe om te...

Psalm 29 (3)

  If a man were set before the choice either of dying or of living his past life over, it is certain that he would choose to die, seeing the many perils and evils which he had so hardly escaped...