www.bybelkennis.co.za Blog
“My father’s values were old, traditional values. But just because they were old and traditional didn’t necessarily make them good. They were good values because they were biblical values, and biblical values are relevant in every generation.”- Burk Parsons ...
Always and everywhere the servants of Christ are under orders to evangelize. —J.I. Packer Priscilla en Akwila Priscilla en haar man Akwila het vir Paulus ontmoet toe hy Korinte in ongeveer die jaar 50 besoek het. Hulle word vriende,...
Jan vra: Daar is verskeie webwerwe wat handel oor die vraag of die aarde rond of plat is. Die plattes haal al wat ‘n teks in die Bybel aan wat suggereer dat die aarde plat is en dan verskyn daar...
If we learn anything from church history, its that the church fights the same battles over and over again. Michael Kruger In Christus Die oproep om in Christus te bly, word dikwels misverstaan. Dit is nie ‘n ondefinieerbare ondervinding nie....