www.bybelkennis.co.za Blog

Ek praat met ateïste

  It cannot be that there is a high appreciation of Jesus and a silent tongue about him (Spurgeon).   Ek praat met ateïste Baie ateïste het sterk menings oor godsdiens, God en die mense wat Hom volg. Daarom is...

Waaroor moet Christene saamstem?

  It is a good thing God chose me before I was born, because he surely would not have afterwards. —C.H. Spurgeon   Waaroor moet Christene saamstem? Daar is verskille en teologiese argumente tussen denominasies, maar daar is sekere dinge waaroor...


In the fulness of time, God’s two creations, his whole universe and his whole church, will be unified under the cosmic Christs who is the supreme head of both (John Stott).   Bybelstudie Baie van ons sukkel maar met Bybelstudie....