www.bybelkennis.co.za Blog


  “What a mean and beggarly thing it is for a man only to do his work well when he is watched. Such oversight is for boys at school and mere hirelings.” –Charles Spurgeon   Voorspoedsteologie “I believe that it is...

Wat sê jou handdruk van jou?

  “When people accept the absurd as normal, the culture is decadent.” — Jacques Barzun   Wat sê jou handdruk van jou? Ons hoor dikwels dat mense sê dat ‘n prent beter as ‘n duisend woorde is. Waarvan mense nie...

Wat is die evangelie?

  Faith and thought belong together, and believing is impossible without thinking (John Stott)   Wat is die evangelie? Die belangrikste wat ek aan julle oorgelewer het en wat ek ook ontvang het, is dit: Christus het vir ons sondes...