Author: Coen Slabber


Psalm 11 (3)

  There are cowards, there are regular people, there are heroes, and then there are parents. Parents are not really on the spectrum from cowardice to courage becuse if your child is in jeopardy, you simply do what it takes...

‘n Handelaar in hoop

  Legalistic remorse says, “I broke God’s rules,” while real repentance says, “I broke God’s heart.” —Tim Keller   ‘n Handelaar in hoop A leader is a dealer in hope –  Napoleon Jy en die mense om jou kan nie floreer sonder...

Woorde is belangrik

  The best preachers are plagiarists. All they do is tell people what God has said. —Thabiti Anyabwile   Woorde is belangrik Woorde is belangrik vir ‘n leier. Daar is sekere woorde wat nie altyd nuttig is nie. Om die waarheid...

Die belang van perspektiewe

  Jesus did not come to impress the crowds, but to die for sinners. —D.A. Carson   Die belang van perspektiewe Ons sien soms dat opregte en intelligente mense dikwels dieselfde gebeurtenis verskillend interpreteer. Die modernisme aanvaar dat as twaalf mense...
