Author: Coen Slabber


Maria Magdalena

  The Law tells us what to do. The Gospel tells us what God has done for us in Christ. —Michael Horton   Maria Magdalena Daar is baie Maria’s in die Bybel wat verwarrend is. Oor Maria Magdalena is daar baie...

Jesus se eerste en tweede koms

  Men are more in danger from prosperity than adversity. For when matters go smoothly, they flatter themselves & are intoxicated by success. — Johannes Calvyn   Jesus se eerste en tweede koms Jesus het gekom. Jesus sal weer kom....

Hoekom het God jou gekies?

  God eternal became a child so that through his life, death and resurrection, we would become the children of God. —Paul Tripp   Hoekom het God jou gekies? Baie Christene voel dat daar nog iets is wat hulle behoort te...

Jesus en Mohammed

  Human Reason is offended, who although she is blind, deaf, stupid, impious, and sacrilegious with regard to all the words and works of God, is [believed to be] a judge of the words and works of God. — Martin...
