Author: Coen Slabber


Leierskap, profesie en kritiek

“There is one prerequisite for managing the second half of your life: You must begin long before you enter it.” Peter Drucker   Leierskap, profesie en kritiek Hoe lyk Bybelse profesie en is dit nog vandag van toepassing? Dit is...

Hoe bepaal ek my prioriteite?

  We belittle God when we go through the outward motions of worship and take no pleasure in his person. —John Piper   Hoe bepaal ek my prioriteite? Daar is elke dag baie wat jy kan doen, maar min wat jy...

Wie is Here van jou geld?

  If you won’t stand up for religious liberty for everyone, stop talking about religious liberty. And sure stop raising money off of it. — Russell Moore   Wie is Here van jou geld? Meeste van ons dink ons is...

Antwoord jou roeping

  Walking with a friend in the dark is better than walking alone in the light. -Helen Keller   Antwoord jou roeping Produktiwiteit is om ‘n doeltreffende rentmeester van my gawes, talente, tyd, energie en entoesiasme  te wees sodat dit...
