Author: Coen Slabber


Hoe bid ons?

  The usefulness of the law lies in convicting man of his infirmity and moving him to call upon the remedy of grace which is in Christ – Augustinus   Hoe bid ons? Jy leer baie van ‘n persoon deur...

Die Here is my herder

  Every Christian is also an evangelist, who should teach other and publish the glory and praise of God – Martin Luther   Die Here is my herder As iemand een psalm gememoriseer het, is dit waarskynlik Psalm 23. Waarom...

Hoe moet ek die Bybel lees?

  “My father’s values were old, traditional values. But just because they were old and traditional didn’t necessarily make them good. They were good values because they were biblical values, and biblical values are relevant in every generation.”- Burk Parsons  ...

Priscilla en Akwila

  Always and everywhere the servants of Christ are under orders to evangelize. —J.I. Packer   Priscilla en Akwila Priscilla en haar man Akwila het vir Paulus ontmoet toe hy Korinte in ongeveer die jaar 50 besoek het. Hulle word vriende,...
