Author: Coen Slabber


Verlos om gestuur te word

  “The best thing about ministry is the people.  The worst thing about the ministry is the people.” – Anoniem   Verlos om gestuur te word Ons word nie verlos om verlos te word nie, maar om gestuur te word....

Die profete in die Ou Testament

  “We should not interpret Scripture in the light of our experiences, but rather, interpret our experiences in the penetrating light of Scripture” (D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones).   Die profete in die Ou Testament Mel Lawrenz vra of die geskrifte van...


  When a man truly sees himself, he knows nobody can say anything about him that is too bad. ―D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones   Pornografie Hier het ons ‘n industrie wat biljoene rande werd is. Statistiek wys dat 70% van mans tussen...
