Author: Coen Slabber


Meer doeltreffende gebede

  “We will, as I fear, openly worship the devil as a god; so completely do the spiritual authorities and the learned lack all understanding.”  — Martin Luther   Meer doeltreffende gebede Hiskia was ‘n goeie en getroue koning van...

God se tuin

  To really hear the gospel is to be shaken to your core. To really hear the gospel is to change. —Mark Dever   God se tuin In Psalm 92:13 – 16 neem God ons op ‘n begeleide toer deur sy...

Die stilte klink hard

  No one is more influential in your life than you are, because no one else talks to you more. —Paul Tripp   Die stilte klink hard Dit is verbasend hoe hard die stilte kan klink, veral as ons nie aan...
