Author: Mitch Kalp


Hoop is skaars

The fact that I think that I am following your will does not mean that I am actually doing so. But I believe that the desire to please you does in fact please you – Thomas Merton (Thoughts in Solitude)


Hoop is skaars

As ons praat van hoop is Sefanja nou nie ‘n boek waaraan ons onmiddellik dink nie. Nie minder as twee en ‘n half van die boek se drie hoofstukke gaan oor diegene wat ander gode as YHWH dien.

Is ons missioneel?

It is true that the Lord’s Supper is only for sinners. But within that group, it is only for repentant sinners. —Mark Dever


Is ons missioneel?

Missioneel is nie ‘n gebeurtenis in ons reeds besige lewe nie – dit is die manier waarop ons lewe. Hoe is dit moontlik?

  • Eet saam met nie-Christene.