Author: Mitch Kalp


Psalm 119:42

When prophets and teachers have to do with a teachable people, they have no need to fight: but when there is no fear of God, and no regard for him, yea, when men are led away by the violence of their lusts, no godly teacher can exercise his duty without being prepared for war. — John Calvin


Psalm 119:42

Dan sal ek dié wat my vals beskuldig, kan antwoord, want ek vertrou op u woord (NAV)

Sodat ek my smader iets kan antwoord, want ek vertrou op u woord (OAV)

Dan sal ek nie bang wees vir almal wat met my spot nie, want ek hou net vas aan wat U sê (Die Boodskap)


Ons is teen aborsie?

 “Correction is a medicine, which has always some bitterness, and consequently is disagreeable.” – Johannes Calvyn


Ons is teen aborsie?

Die kerk is teen aborsie. Die gelowiges is teen aborsie. Ons is pro-lewe. Is ons? Suster Joan Chittister, ‘n Benediktynse non en skryfster, vra die vraag of dit wel so is. Luister hierna:

Jou hart

Reading Scripture is like collecting pollen. Meditating on it is like making honey. —Bruce Waltke


Jou hart

Wees veral versigtig met wat in jou hart omgaan, want dit bepaal jou hele lewe (Spreuke 4:23).

Wat is die boodskap wat hierdie stelling wil oordra? Hoe moet ons versigtig wees?

Trots en leuens

Television knows no night. It is perpetual day. TV embodies our fear of the dark, of night, of the other side of things. -Jean Baudrillard, sosioloog en filosoof (1929-2007)


Trots en leuens

Trots is nie iets wat jy doen nie – dit is erger as dit. Dit is ‘n soort geestelike hartsiekte wat geloof vernietig. Hierdie siekte versprei deur leuens wat ons hart maar te gewillig is om te glo. Daar is veral drie dinge wat ‘n trotse hart glo wat deur die waarheid reggestel moet word:
