Author: Mitch Kalp


Bonhoeffer (22)

It behooves us to accomplish what God requires of us, even when we are in the greatest despair respecting the results. — John Calvin


Bonhoeffer (22)

Boosheid en lyding

The lover of truth must choose, in every way possible, to do and say what is right, even when threatened with death, rather than save his own life.Justinus die Wysgeer (apologeet in die tweede eeu)


Boosheid en lyding

Mense leef in die ware wêreld met al sy pyn, wreedheid, geweld, siektes, ongelukke, emosionele en fisiese lyding en dood. Lyding en die bose is vir alle mense praktiese problem. Maar Christene sukkel ook verstandelik met lyding en die bose. As ek kyk na wat Christene glo aangaande God en die wêreld, is die bose en lyding ‘n problem. Hoe kan ek dit verduidelik? Waar kom dit vandaan?

Ek verstaan dit nie: Ek is in goeie geselskap

“It is not what you say that matters but the manner in which you say it; there lies the secret of the ages.”William Carlos Williams


Ek verstaan dit nie:  Ek is in goeie geselskap

Bekende figure in die Bybel het ook vrae gevra:

  • Moses: Moses verstaan nie altyd wat God se bedoeling met die Israeliete is nie.

Lyding: Ek verstaan dit nie

“The worst thing that can happen to the Church, is what is happening to the Church now in the West, namely that the Church is deliberately conforming to the world … The Lion of Judah has become tame … The imitation of Christ has changed into the imitation of popular culture. The modern world politicizes everything and imposes the political categories of Right and Left on everything…. And the Church is following the tune of this pied piper.” – Peter Kreeft


Lyding: Ek verstaan dit nie

God laat toe dat sommige mense ly terwyl ander lyding gespaar word. Hoekom gebeur dit? Iemand wat hieroor nagedink het, was die Prediker:
