Author: Mitch Kalp



God whispers to us in our pleasures, speaks to us in our conscience, but shouts in our pains: It is His megaphone to rouse a deaf world –C. S. Lewis



Die woord dissipel word gebruik om die Twaalf (die apostels), sowel as groter groepe te beskryf.  John H. Armstrong gebruik die volgende definisie: ‘n Dissipel is iemand wat sy vertroue in Jesus Christus stel en voortdurend leer om: God met sy volle lewe te aanbid, deel te neem aan ‘n geloofsgemeenskap en om Christus is woord en daad te verkondig  om sodoende dissipels te maak.


God speaks to you that you may make the right decision. But God does not satisfy our curiosity as to what happens about other men who do not decide for Christ. What will be the ultimate fate of other men is not your concern; we may not and are not to know that, except in so far as we must realize that it is our duty not only ourselves to remain loyal to the way of Jesus, but as far as possible to help others to find the way that leads to life. It is not the consequence of our superior merit that we ourselves have found this way. We have not come to it because we are better than other people. It is the grace of God which has set our feet in that way. — Johannes Calvyn



Vir meeste mense het vuurtorings ‘n sekere bekoring. In sekere plekke kry ons ‘n interessante rangskikking. Daar is ‘n klein vuurtoring – ses tot tien meter hoog – met ‘n lig aan die bopunt. Hierdie vuurtoring staan naby die kus. Verder terug is daar dan ‘n normale vuurtoring.  Tussen die twee vuurtorings is al die bome en bosse verwyder.

Aanbid met jou sintuie

A man can no more diminish God’s glory by refusing to worship Him than a lunatic can put out the sun by scribbling the word “darkness” on the walls of his cell – C. S. Lewis

Aanbid met jou sintuie

Watter van jou vyf sintuie is die belangrikste om jou aanbidding en lof teenoor God te bewys?

Psalm 119:34

“It is more important for a pastor to prod and empower than to pacify. Conflict… is an expected, necessary byproduct of transformative leadership in the name of Jesus. The church begins (Acts 2) in fire and earth trembling; the church dies by files and regulations.” Will Willimon

Psalm 119:34

Gee my insig, dat ek u wet kan gehoorsaam en dit met my hele hart onderhou (NAV)

Gee my verstand, dat ek u wet kan bewaar, ja dit kan onderhou van ganser harte (OAV)

Verander my manier van dink; maak my gedagtes vol met u wet! Dan sal ek heeltyd doen wat U sê (Die Boodskap)


Hoe voel jy as jy iets nie verstaan nie? Gefrustreerd? Verward? Kwaad vir jouself of vir die persoon wat jy blameer omdat jy nie verstaan nie? Bang jy lyk dom of onbekwaam?
