Category: Coen Slabber se Blog


Psalm 16 (2)

  Human love, however noble and however highly motivated, falls short if it refuses to include the Father and Son as the supreme objects of its affections – I. Howard Marshall   Psalm 16 (2) [Ek gaan dwarsdeur van die...

Gesprekke in my kop

  The assurance of my salvation comes not from the fact that I did trust Christ but that I am trusting Christ for my salvation – Adrian Rogers   Gesprekke in my kop Adam McHugh het ‘n interessante boek, The...

Ek is terneergedruk (6)

  A man’s destiny on Judgment Day will depend not on whether hê has known God’s will but on whether he has done it – A. M. Hunter   Ek is terneergedruk (6) [Terneergedruk = ontmoedig; bedruk maak – HAT....

‘n Sterk verhouding met God

  Nothing in my hands I bring; Simply to thy cross I cling Toplady ‘n Sterk verhouding met God Soos enige verhouding en vriendskap vereis jou verhouding met God aandag en fokus. Dit beteken dat ek my daaglikse lewe moet...
