Category: Coen Slabber se Blog


Sonde: Wat is die aard van sonde?

  Those who have left the deepest impression on this sin-cursed earth have been men and women of prayer. —D.L. Moody   Sonde: Wat is die aard van sonde? Ek gaan ‘n aantal blogs gebruik om oor sonde te skryf. Ek...

Psalm 13 (2)

Blog129 “Everything that is worthwhile in life is scary. Choosing a school, choosing a career, getting married, having kids – all those things are scary. If it is not fearful, it is not worthwhile.” – Paul Tournier   Psalm 13...

Die kerk en kompromieë

  We must make the invisible Kingdom visible in our midst – Johannes Calvyn   Die kerk en kompromieë In Openbaring 2 lees ons van ‘n gemeente wat besig was met kompromieë – Pergamum. Die stad was op ‘n rotsagtige heuwel...
