Category: Coen Slabber se Blog


Die gevaarlike gebed

  “It is a poor sermon that gives no offense; that neither makes the hearer displeased with himself nor with the preacher.” George Whitefield   Die gevaarlike gebed Wat is die gevaarlike gebed? As ek God vra om my beskikbaar...

My perspektief op gebed

  Paul  wants the church to be a proclaiming church not a complaining church – C. J. Mahaney.   My perspektief op gebed Wat julle ook al in my Naam vra, sal Ek doen, sodat die Vader deur die Seun...

Die onvergeeflike sonde

  All my hopes and comforts may be summed up by saying, I have a rich and gracious Savior.” —John Newton   Die onvergeeflike sonde Die Bybel sê dat God altyd gewillig is om sondes te vergewe as ons dit...

Die toekoms van musiek in die kerk

  “If you are going to walk with Jesus Christ, you are going to be opposed … In our days, to be a true Christian is really to become a scandal.” – George Whitefield   Die toekoms van musiek in...
