Indeling van die psalms
It is not freedom for a fish to sun itself on the beach. It is death. The question of freedom is: What were you made for? – John Piper Indeling van die psalms Ons huidige 150 Psalms is...
It is not freedom for a fish to sun itself on the beach. It is death. The question of freedom is: What were you made for? – John Piper Indeling van die psalms Ons huidige 150 Psalms is...
Anger isn’t the opposite of love. Hate is and the final form of hate is indifference – Becky Pippert God se soewereiniteit teenoor menslike vryheid Bepaal God die gebeure in ‘n mens se lewe, of besluit ons self?...
“…although the realm of politics is important, it is a poor place to discover the significance of one’s life.” — Stanley Hauerwas Die baie genres van die Skrif Hierdie is nog een van Mel Lawrenz se artikels oor...
You either bear the everlasting dignity of acting God’s sovereign will willingly, or the everlasting shame of acting his will unwillingly. – John Piper Opskrifte van die Psalms Die eerste of eerste twee verse gee bepaalde inligting oor...