Category: Coen Slabber se Blog


Ontwikkel jou Bybelse woordeskat

  A sermon is not over when the minister says ‘Amen.’ Rather that is when the true sermon begins. —Joel Beeke Ontwikkel jou Bybelse woordeskat Hierdie is deel van Mel Lawrenz se reeks  oor hoe om die Bybel te lees. Individuele...

Twyfel en ongeloof

  Watching church on tv and calling it worship is like watching a cooking show and calling it eating – Jim West   Twyfel en ongeloof Twyfel jy ooit aan wat die Bybel van God sê? Twyfel jy aan die...

Uit die modderige slyk (3)

  Hell will be full of people who thought highly of the Sermon on the Mount. You must do more than that. You must obey it and take action – John MacArthur   Uit die modderige slyk (3) Psalm 40...
