Category: Coen Slabber se Blog
One of the signs of Christian maturity is the ability to disagree with other Christians on secondary matters without vilifying them. —J.R. Vassar Met gebalde vuiste In 1973 skryf Henri J. M.Nouwen ‘n kort boekie oor gebed: With Open...
If you do not die to sin, you shall die for sin. If you do not slay sin, sin will slay you. —C.H. Spurgeon Bly aan God toegewyd Die versoeking om van God te vergeet, is altyd daar. Maar...
Christ has not two different bodies, one “temporal” and the other “spiritual”. He is one Head, and he has one body – Martin Luther Arrogansie Larry Osborne het ‘n baie interessante boek, Accidental Pharisees, geskryf. Ek gaan ‘n...
The truth does not change according to our ability to stomach it – Flannery O’Connor Sosiale media en my verhoudings “Ek maak nie meer vriende nie. Ek weet nie meer hoe om ‘n vriend te wees nie –...