Category: Coen Slabber se Blog


Rut en Simson

  Praying without ceasing isn’t meant to burden us but to liberate us from all our burdens. —Burk Parsons   Rut en Simson Die boek Rigters sluit op ‘n donker, amper desperate, noot af: In daardie tyd was daar nog nie...

Ons vergader saam

  Interactions with different cultures help us lose our blinders and slowly but surely move to a more rounded biblical Christianity – Tim Keller   Ons vergader saam Moderne tegnologie het baie voordele. Ons kan baie vinnig inligting uitruil; ons...

Waag jy sonder om te twyfel ?

  Our job is to love others without stopping to inquire whether or not they are worthy. That is not our business and, in fact, it is nobody’s business. What we are asked to do is to love, and this...

Saul raadpleeg ‘n dodebesweerster

  “Sunday is the golden clasp that binds together the volume of the week.” –H.W. Longfellow Saul raadpleeg ‘n dodebesweerster The Gospel Coalition is besig met ‘n reeks oor verwarrende gedeeltes uit die Bybel. Kundiges verduidelik hierdie gedeeltes. Saul se...
