Category: Coen Slabber se Blog


Die voorspoedsteologie

  Your faith will not fail while God sustains it; you are not strong enough to fall away while God is resolved to hold you. —J.I. Packer   Die voorspoedsteologie Vroeër vanjaar was die sosiale media in rep en roer omdat...

Ek kom iets kort

  Nowhere in Scripture do we find doctrine studied for its own sake or in isolation from life. —Wayne Grudem   Ek kom iets kort Die Bybel vertel die verhaal van ‘n man wat volgens ons wêreld se standaarde alles gehad...

Alles kom tot niks (2)

  G. K. Chesterton stel dit so: “The most extraordinary thing in the world is an ordinary man and his ordinary wife and their ordinary children.”   Alles kom tot niks (2) The Gospel Coalition is besig met ‘n reeks oor...

Alles kom tot niks (1)

  If there is a God, of course he would know things that I can’t know about what’s best for me – Tim Keller   Alles kom tot niks (1) The Gospel Coalition is besig met ‘n reeks oor verwarrende...
