Category: Coen Slabber se Blog


Na die oorwinning

  There can be no keener revelation of a society’s soul than the way in which it treats its children – C. S. Lewis   Na die oorwinning Josua het van Jerigo af manne gestuur na Ai toe, naby Bet-Awen,...

Is my werk wettig?

  We become what we worship – G. K. Beale   Is my werk wettig? Nick Walenda is die eerste man in ‘n eeu wat oor die Niagara waterval op ‘n tou geloop het. Hy is ‘n Christen. Terwyl hy...

Blydskap en Geloof

  There are many who preach Christ, but not so many who live Christ. My great aim will be to live Christ. —Robert Chapman   Blydskap en Geloof In Paulus se brief aan die Filippense staan blydskap sentraal. John Piper vra:...


  It is good to be weary and frustrated with the fruitless search for the good, so that one can reach out one’s arms instead to the Redeemer – Blaise Pascal Christofobie [Christofobie – ‘n onwerklike/onredelike vrees en haat van...
