Category: Coen Slabber se Blog


Die kerk vandag (12)

  The more holy a man becomes, the more he will loathe and mourn over the remains of indwelling sin. —C.H. Spurgeon   Die kerk vandag (12) Daar het onlangs ‘n goeie boek van Jared C. Wilson – The Prodigal Church...

Die kerk vandag (11)

  Too many are willing to sit at God’s table, but not work in his field. —Vance Havner Die kerk vandag (11) Daar het onlangs ‘n goeie boek van Jared C. Wilson – The Prodigal Church –  verskyn. [Prodigal = verkwistend,...


  Jesus said, ‘Say it – say our Father,’ and you will suddenly discover He is – Oswald Chambers   Versoekings Mense het ‘n wonderlike vermoë om hulle slegte gedrag te regverdig. Een voorbeeld hiervan is: “Die duiwel het my...

Infiltrasie deur die evangelie

  It is in the heart that God is preceived and not by reason. So that is what faith is: God perceived by the heart, not by the reason. Blaise Pascal Infiltrasie deur die evangelie Ons kan baie leer by...
