Category: Coen Slabber se Blog


Hoe moet ek haat?

  “There is nothing dreary or doubtful about (the life). It is meant to be continually joyful…We are called to a settled happiness in the Lord whose joy is our strength.” ~ Amy Carmichael   Hoe moet ek haat? In...

Ek is ten gunste van haat!

  “Jesus first, others next, and yourself last spells J-O-Y.” ~ Linda Byler   Ek is ten gunste van haat! Vandag kan ons feitlik enigiets doen mits ons net nie haat nie. Nou sê die psalmis vir ons: Julle het...

Ontsag vir die Here

  Repentance which has no tear in its eye, and no mourning for sin in its heart, is a repentance which needs to be repented of – C.H. Spurgeon.      Ontsag vir die Here Die volk was vervul met ontsag...

Die Christen se grootste reis

  Our works are God’s masks, behind which he remains hidden, although he does all things –Martin Luther.   Die Christen se grootste reis Jy word wakker in ‘n onbekende bed. Jy wonder waar jy is. Jy kyk om jou...
