Category: Coen Slabber se Blog


Waar staan dit in die Bybel?

  “When you have been sinned against you have two options: to either lovingly cover or lovingly confront.” (Jim Newcomer)   Waar staan dit in die Bybel? Die Bybel is letterlik God wat Hom aan die mensdom openbaar. Ortodokse Christene...

Bonhoeffer as leier (2)

  Do not work so hard for Christ that you have no strength to pray, for prayer requires strength. —Hudson Taylor   Bonhoeffer as leier (2) Eberhardt Bethge, Bonhoeffer se beste vriend, skryf oor Bonhoeffer se tyd as leier by Finkenwalde....

Die tien gebooie (5)

Where Scripture speaks, God speaks –  Augustinus.   Die tien gebooie (5) [Ek gaan ‘n hele aantal blogs aan Eksodus spandeer. Ek maak onder andere van “Exalting Jesus in Exodus” (2014) vanTony Merida gebruik.]   (v) Die Vyfde Gebod Eer...

Bonhoeffer as leier (1)

  “It is not the glorious battlements, the painted windows, the crouching gargoyles that support a building, but the stones that lie unseen in or upon the earth. It is often those who are despised and trampled on that bear...
