Category: Coen Slabber se Blog


Die tien gebooie (2)

We cannot embrace the doctrines of grace without embracing the disciplines of grace. —Curtis Woods Die tien gebooie (2) [Ek gaan ‘n hele aantal blogs aan Eksodus spandeer. Ek maak onder andere van “Exalting Jesus in Exodus” (2014) vanTony Merida gebruik.]...

Ek vra om verskoning

  Many of us cannot reach the mission fields on our feet, but we can reach them on our knees. —T.J. Bach   Ek vra om verskoning Dit klink snaaks, maar baie mense weet nie hoe om om verskoning te vra...

Die tien gebooie (1)

If heaven is our country, what can the earth be but a place of exile? If departure from the world is entrance into life, what is the world but a sepulchre, and what is residence in it but immersion in...
