Category: Coen Slabber se Blog


Behoeftes of begeertes?

  One great power of sin is that it blinds men so that they do not recognize its true character. —Andrew Murray   Behoeftes of begeertes? En my God sal in elke behoefte van julle ryklik voorsien volgens sy wonderbaarlike rykdom...

Watter status het die Bybel?

  He who crowned the heavens with stars was Himself crowned with thorns. —Thomas Watson Watter status het die Bybel? Die Bybel is God se woord; wat die Bybel sê, is dit wat God sê. Nie almal stem hiermee saam nie....

Wat is ‘n Christen?

  “God, and God alone, is man’s highest good.” Herman Bavinck Wat is ‘n Christen? Baie mense dink hulle is Christene, want hulle ouers was Christene of hulle het ‘n gevoel van bewondering vir Jesus Christus of hulle woon gereeld...
