Category: Coen Slabber se Blog


God se spesiale mense

  In appearance and words you simulate modesty, but you are so swollen with haughtiness, arrogance, pride, malice, villainy, rashness, superciliousness, ignorance, and stupidity that there is nothing to surpass you.  — Martin Luther   God se spesiale mense Julle,...

Wag geduldig

  For the inexperience of youth requires the practical wisdom of age to strengthen and direct it – Cicero     Wag geduldig Ons wag in ‘n tou; ons wag in die verkeer; so kan ons aanhou. Maar die moderne...

Die Krag van God

  “When God wants people to suffer, he sends them too much understanding.” ~ Joodse Spreekwoord   Die Krag van God Maar die wat op die Here wag kry nuwe krag (Jesaja 40:31 – OAV). Binnekort gaan miljoene mense weer...

Is die Heilige Gees ‘n werklikheid?

  If youth but had the knowledge, if age but had the power – Franse spreekwoord.   Is die Heilige Gees ‘n werklikheid? Vraag: Is daar enige bewyse vir die bestaan van die Heilige Gees en sy werking? Het ons...
