Category: Coen Slabber se Blog


Die hemel: Waar is dit?

“Faith is not primarily a matter of choosing what to believe, as if one were a consumer in a spiritual supermarket, filling one’s trolley with religious goods to match one’s personal needs and preferences. Faith is our response to the astonishing discovery that we have been chosen.” ~ Timothy Radcliffe


Die hemel: Waar is dit?

Toe het ek ‘n harde stem van die troon af hoor sê: “Kyk, die woonplek van God is nou by die mense. Hy sal by hulle bly; hulle sal sy volke wees, en God self sal by hulle wees as hulle God.” (Openbaring 21:3).


Afgesonder om te bid

Stories about dragons are important, not because dragons are real but because they show us that dragons can be beaten – G. K. Chesterton


Afgesonder om te bid

Do not have your concert first, and then tune your instrument afterwards. Begin the day with the Word of God and prayer, and get first of all into harmony with Him.” -Hudson Taylor

Maar Hy het Hom altyd weer in eensame plekke afgesonder om daar te bid (Lukas 5:16)

Bekering: Onmiddellik of met verloop van tyd

Most people think that to be deprived of a chance to display their wealth is to be deprived of wealth itself – Plutarch


Bekering: Onmiddellik of met verloop van tyd

Scot McKnight sê dat studies bewys dat mense op een van drie basiese maniere bekeer word:
