Category: Coen Slabber se Blog
Pride is a form of cosmic plagiarism-claiming to be the author of something that is actually a gift. —Tim Keller Sekularisme [Sekularisme = Wêreldlik teenoor geestelik/kerklik. Latyn – saecularis wat verband hou met ‘n tydperk of geslag.] Hierdie woord word...
We seldom realise fully that we are sent to fulfil God-given tasks. We act as if we have to choose how, where, and with whom to live. We act as if we were simply plopped down in creation and have...
Love between people, when given by God, is stronger than death. When you have loved deeply, that love can grow even stronger after the death of the person you love. You have to trust that every true friendship has...
Young people, you must pray, for your passions are strong, and your wisdom is little.—C.H. Spurgeon Hoekom glo jy? God verwag van gelowiges om te weet wat hulle glo en hoekom hulle glo. Die wêreld het vandag Christene nodig...