Karl Barth



For many in Christian profession today, in politics, in media, lobbying, public intimidation have become the means. Pouring millions of dollars into elections, media events, an almost endless list of political pressure groups, the effort is being made to superficially sanitize America. But the question has to be asked…is this the solution? Is this the Christian mandate? – John MacArthur


Karl Barth

Karl Barth het pas ‘n lesing in die Rockefeller-kapel op die kampus van die Universiteit van Chicago voltooi. Dit was in 1962.

Hy was besig om vrae te beantwoord toe ‘n student hom vra of hy sy lewenswerk in teologie in een sin kan opsom. Die gehoor snak na hulle asem oor die student se voorbarigheid. Hulle sê dat Barth nie ‘n oomblik gehuiwer het voordat hy antwoord:  “Yes. In the words of a song I learned at my mother’s knee: ‘Jesus loves me, this I know, for the Bible tells me so’.”


‘n Pragtige verhaal. Daar is mense wat die waarheid daarvan betwyfel, maar die les is waardevol en eenvoudig. Probeer ons nie ons godsdiens te ingewikkeld maak nie?


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